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Explore Science Day

A day of science experiments at King's organised for the 7 schools in Blacon/ Lache areas of Chester. Organised by King's Chemistry Department to find which King's teacher had "stolen" of the trophies from the locked trophy cabinet!


To give children the experinence of using a laboratory.

To encourage interest in science.

To instill aspiration in science.


We have had a link with the 7 schools for some time via Chester Municiple Charities. We wanted to improve our links and build relationships. Through meetings with the representative from Highfield Junior school, we discussed some ideas. Science is an area where resources are limited in primary schools and together with a few other areas, this is one we explored first.


Accessibly experiments for primary children in Chemistry which are safe.

Resources of 2 Chemistry teachers for a day and planning beforehand.

Resources of science technicians in setting up beforehand and needed all day to prepare resources.

Cost of experiments, cover for teachers, extra technician hours, lunch for invited schools.


The accompanying teachers were asked for feedback after the day. The children were inspired and enthused about science and all of them asked us to repeat the day again next year. 

Pupil Involvement

 24 Year 6 children from 6 schools.

Support from 6 King's Sixth Form students.


One day event to be repeated annually with schools in specific areas of deprivation.