Assisting creation of a new Free School
West Newcastle Academy is a one-form entry primary Free School which opened in Benwell, in the heart of the deprived West end of Newcastle, which is also an area short of school places, in September 2013.
This partnership is now 5 years old. Currently the RGS headmaster is involved in governance of WNA and acts as critical friend to the head teacher, regularly visiting the school and reporting to the governing body, particularly on standards, achievement, and behaviour. Serving on the WNA Governors' People and Resources sub-committee he also provide advice on HR/employment, staffing and budgetary matters.
As suggested below, as WNA grows and its age-range will to overlap with that of the RGS Junior School, it is anticipated that the current basic provision of advice and support by the RGS will grow into more active joint working between staff and pupils in both schools.
The need identified was for the new school tom priovide hope and life-chances for children in an area of exceptional deprivation, and particularly to be accessible and approachable by families alienated from mainstream education.
Critical fractors for success lie in take-up of places and acceptance within the community (both strong) and to see children thrive and make progress: the school's first OFSTED inspection in May 2015 demonstartes a very successful early phase. For the RGS in this early stage, it is a matter lending expertise where possible and, in particular, it's Headmaster acting as critical friend and assuring the governing body of the maintenance of standards/quality control.
The RGS headmaster was approached in late 2010 by WNA's founding charity, Kids and Us, to help with the project which was bidding to set up a Free School in that area.
He and the Deputy Head advised the steering group which put together the first (2011) bid to the DfE and carried out assessment of need and canvassed parental support as required. The first bid was unsuccessful. The group redoubled its efforts and the Headmaster was one of the group interviewed at the DfE in Sheffield in the successful 2012 process, speaking particularly on curriculum, standards and quality control.
At present, because WNA is still in its infancy, resources offered by the RGS tend to be limited to significant amounts of the headmaster's time, plus practical help in the form of advice, expertise and where necessary time from the RGS's bursarial/finance team to the WNA's School Busniess Manager and administration.
Impact on children and families and their life-chances is immense and incalculable. WNA is strongly supported in Benwell and parents are fulsome in their praise of what it offers and acheives. It is reported in its first OFSTED inspection, May 2015, which judged it good overall and contained significant words of praise:
The inspection in May 2015 rated WNA as "good" describing the school as "a magical place" where "children make good progress".
"Children spend time every week learning away from the school – at local woods, the beach or visiting museums, galleries, farms and parks."
"Pupils are enthusiastic about their learning and develop sustained concentration and resilience.”
“The curriculum is exciting and fully engages pupils in a range of first-hand experiences in a variety of settings.”
“Children play well together, cooperate and are happy. There is a focus on developing personal, social and emotional skills so children become confident learners.”
In time, as the children grow up through WNA to Y6, both schools beliove passionately that contact between children of the same age in the two schools will bring immense benefit to both schools.
Pupil Involvement
In these early years only to the extent that RGS sixth formers (Y12-13), as part of their Voluntary Service programme, visit weekly to help childfren at WNA with reading. When WNA's age-range overlaps with that of the RGS (Year 3 upwards), it is anticipated that opportunities will develop for peer-to-peer contact and partnership.
It is an open-ended relationship which we hope to see grow over many years.