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The Cavendish School

31 Inverness Street

T: +44 (0)20 7485 1958

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ISC ID: 77557


Mrs Taryn Lombard (Headteacher)

Girls - age range:

Day: 3 to 11


198 pupils

The Cavendish School case studies (8)

Anti Bullying Week


  • The Cavendish School
  • Richard Cobden
  • Academic
  • Student Well Being
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Chinese New Year


  • The Cavendish School
  • Hawley School
  • Academic
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Carlton Primary School partnership


  • The Cavendish School
  • Carlton Primary School, London
  • Our Lady's Catholic Primary School Camden
  • Academic
  • Performing Arts And Music
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Community Links


  • The Cavendish School
  • Families4Peace
  • Our Lady of Hal Church, Camden
  • Richard Cobden
  • Community Work Fundraising
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Impact of partnership work done in 2023 (ISC annual Census 2024)

  • 2 state schools involved
  • 21-50 state school pupils involved
  • 90 staff hours given

Impact Statement

A range of initiatives has also been undertaken to enhance public benefit including working with local state primary schools to provide specialist teaching. For example, music teaching has been provided to the whole of Year 5 pupils at a Camden state primary school. The pupils have been learning how to perform authentic African drum rhythms and Samba drumming with reference to Western notation and the Kodaly method. They learn various skills such as improvising over patterns in three- and four-time, leading a group and reading different forms of notation. Two Gifted and Talented Year 6 pupils are being given tuition on musical instruments. Working towards a concert at the end of each term, these sessions have helped build confidence and are an opportunity for less academic pupils to shine in other areas.

We invited two local state primary schools to join in combined activities with our pupils. In February twenty-nine pupils from Hawley Infants School participated in a one hour workshop to celebrate Chinese New Year and as a taster day and introduction to learning Mandarin. In June we held a Day of Dance with a specialist dance teacher and invited twenty-eight children from Our Lady's Roman Catholic Primary School to participate in a one-hour dance workshop.

The Assistant Head has met with the Head of Carlton Primary School to talk about combining pupils for physical education activities and has offered the use of our playground for netball matches and rounders. These activities are in the planning stage and we expect some friendly games to begin to take place in the summer term 2019.

Our pupils will play be playing their first sports fixture (a football match) against a local state primary school on 31.01.19.

The Governors of The Cavendish School are committed to broadening access to the School by offering to eligible parents or guardians means-tested financial support towards the payment of tuition fees in the form of a bursary. Support may be awarded in the form of a discount of up to 100% on tuition fees payable, depending on the financial, compassionate or other pertinent circumstances of applicants. Additional activities, such as After School Care, clubs and individual music lessons, are not included in bursary awards but additional funds may be available to meet these costs.

Bursaries for new applicants may be made available to parents of pupils entering the School in Year 3 or above and to parents of existing pupils from Nursery or above. They are awarded at the discretion of the Governors; the Headteacher and Bursar are responsible for the management and co-ordination of the process.  The first step will involve a financial review with an external bursary assessment company to establish the financial circumstances of the household. Details of income and capital will be sought and must be accompanied by full documentary evidence. There will also be a home visit to ensure the information has been correctly interpreted and the basis of the financial assessment has been fair.

In addition, The Cavendish School will in normal circumstances set aside each year a hardship fund for cases of sudden and unforeseen need, e.g. where a parental separation results in a pupil potentially having to be withdrawn from the School adding to the stress of coping with the separation. Parents or guardians with a child at the School whose financial circumstances suddenly change may make a written request to the Chair of Governors to be considered for a bursary, explaining their situation. Such awards are subject to the availability of funding and cannot be guaranteed. 

All bursary awards are subject to repeat testing of parental means each year and may be varied upwards or downwards depending on parental circumstances.

  • Bursaries for new entrants
  • Hardship awards for existing pupils