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Trent College

Derby Road
Long Eaton
NG10 4AD

T: +44 (0)115 849 4949

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ISC ID: 20460


Mr Bill Penty (Head)

Boys - age range:

Day: 11 to 18

Boarding: 11 to 18

Girls - age range:

Day: 11 to 18

Boarding: 11 to 18


1202 pupils

Trent College case studies (48)

Impact of partnership work done in 2023 (ISC annual Census 2024)

  • 60 state schools involved
  • 2001+ state school pupils involved
  • 1905 staff hours given

Impact Statement

Partnerships with local state schools:
In that period, January 2018-January 2019 we have had the following interactions with state primary schools:
26 state primary school events held here including 79 visits by primary schools (59 different ones), 9 visits by Head teachers, 127 teachers and TA’s and 1,358 children from Year 1 to Year 6.
89 primary school visits made by our Primary School Liaison Co-ordinator, including 55 different primary schools, meeting 24 Head teachers, 124 teachers and TA’s and 2,225 children from Reception to Year 6.
Academic Partnerships – primary schools have been invited to Trent College to:
• Attend author events to listen to authors speak about their life and experiences, inspiring children as future writers and giving them the opportunity to meet the author at a book signing (Jonathan Meres and Robin Stevens);
• Take part in a Problem Solving challenge events either to compete to build the tallest self-supporting tower or to propel a ping pong ball the furthest distance, using only recyclable materials;
• Enjoy our 45-acre campus to walk around on an ‘Autumn Watch’ and ‘Spring Watch’ visit, spotting seasonal changes;
• Take part in a Bake-Off competition in our Food & Nutrition Suite to bake and decorate cup-cakes with a Royal theme;
• Take part in a coding workshop, where children learnt to code using a free App and then investigated the internal workings of a computer;
• Visit as part of a small group to use our library facilities to host their own Year 6 Book Club;
• Enter a short story competition to write a 500 word story, with the finalists invited to a Celebration Evening, where they could be further inspired by story teller, Sophie Snell and hear the winning stories read aloud by drama scholars in our Devonshire Library;
• Take part in a Physics workshop to investigate the use of solar panels and the crater impact of a meteoroid hitting the moon; and
• Attend a ‘Cool Science’ assembly, where they could learn all there is to know about gases and minor explosions.
Sport Partnerships – primary schools have come to Trent College to compete in the following sporting events:
• High 5 netball tournament, involving teams of 10 from 11 state primary schools;
• U10 cricket festival, involving teams of 10 children from 12 state primary schools;
• U10 hockey festival, involving a team of 10 children from 1 state primary school competing in an independent school competition;
• U11 Hockey Workshop where 60 children spent the morning learning the key skills of hockey and then competing in a mini-tournament; and
• Activity morning involving team games where children were required to problem solve and demonstrate leadership and collaboration skills in solving the puzzles.
Trent College has sent coaching staff to 12 primary schools to coach for two separate 1-hour sessions in cricket, prior to the schools attending the U10 cricket festival.
The Primary School Liaison Co-ordinator has delivered assemblies in 1 state primary school around Olympic sport called ‘Raising Aspirations’, following the children’s participation in our High 5 netball tournament, and in 1 state primary school with our Head Librarian on ‘Reading Matters’ around the reasons to read following our Dan Smith author visit.
Music Partnerships – Trent College has visited 2 state primary schools to sing and play for the children in a ‘Carol Roadshow’, with seasonal carols and songs.

Trent College are delighted to offer Scholarships to those pupils who stand out for their attitude, ability and dedication in the fields of Academia, Sport, Music, Art and Drama. Scholarships are offered to those pupils whom on entry to the school perform in the tope of their peer group. Scholarships attract a fee discount from day fees. Further bursarial support is available on a means tested basis which may help towards fees.

  • Academic scholarships
  • Art scholarships
  • Choral scholarships
  • Drama scholarships
  • Music scholarships
  • Sport scholarships
  • Sixth Form scholarships
  • H M Forces discounts
  • Sibling discounts
  • Lump sum payment discounts
  • Bursaries for new entrants

Visit our website for more information