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How to add your school partnerships to this website

Independent Schools Council (ISC) schools

ISC schools can add details of their school partnerships to Schools Together. Changes to Schools Together are made using the main ISC website (, which you will need to sign up and login to. Once logged in you can update all of your general school data as well as:

Add your partnership case studies and impact statement To do this login and click on ‘Update your school data and add partnerships to Schools Together’ > ‘Add and edit case studies to Schools Together.’ You will then find two boxes one will take you in to add case studies and the other to add your impact statement.

Add scholarships and bursaries To do this login and click on ‘Update your school data and add partnerships to Schools Together’ > ‘Scholarships and Bursaries.’

If you previously signed up directly to the Schools Together website, please note that the Schools Together website is now edited via the main ISC website only so you will need to sign up/login there.


If your school is not a member of the Independent Schools Council or you are part of a group of schools or an association, and would like a page showing your independent/state school partnerships on this website, then please email [email protected].