Thinking Innovatively and Problem Solving Week (Capital City Academy)
As part of the Thinking Innovatively and Problem Solving (TIPS) week for Years 7 and 8, ten Gifted and Talented pupils from Capital City Academy took part in a Young Film Academy Workshop with excellent results.
To engage with Gifted and Talented students from the maintained sector and provide opportunities for pupils from both schools to improve their creativity and confidence.
Mr Paul Jeanes (Deputy Head) has close connections with the school via his wife. This partnership will continue next year during TIPS week.
FHS provides extra places on a YFA workshop to Capital City Academy pupils for no cost.
Pupils and staff from both schools were surveyed and unanimously agreed as to the success of the day. It is anticipated that pupils from both schools will have benefitted hugely in terms of their confidence and their ability to work together.
Pupil Involvement
10 Pupils from Capital City Academy Year 7 were involved with 60 from FHS.
This will be repeated at TIPS week 2019.