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Stamford Geography Cluster Meeting

This is a fantastic initiative and the plan is to have a Stamford themed geography curriculum which runs through all the towns primary schools and feeds into the secondary schools too. The local primary schools are very keen to find out from us what knowledge and more particularly what “geographical skills” we would like the Yr 7’s to have when they join secondary school. This will in turn feed into their geography learning journeys and SoW at primary level. 

It is a wonderful demonstration of joined up thinking across the town and I am confident the initiative will grow over the coming months. The primary heads were very keen to use the experience and knowledge of the secondary geography teachers and this may well lead to some team teaching by us in local primary schools. Also, there is scope for our subject prefects to visit primary schools to undertake some geography skills lessons. Furthermore, we may invite some primary school students into our lessons to show them what geography looks like and sounds like in a secondary school and for us the help run some local field trips. 

All in all it shows good community spirit and an opportunity for schools to work together and support one another for the benefit of the children in our town.

At the meeting there were four secondary Heads of Departments and eight Primary Heads or subjects leads.


To develop a townwide primary geography curriculum so that all students start secondary school with the same skills.


The partnership was set up by the head of Malcolm Sargent Primary School, the largest Primary in the Stamford area


No resources needed at this stage, two members of teaching staff attended.


Benefits will be seen in several years once the primary children targeted reach secondary school.


Termly meetings at this stage.