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GCSE Drama Unit 2 Theatre in Education

Devise, rehearse and perform short plays based around a relevant and researched theme/topic for Years 3 and 4 at local primary schools. In addition they run drama workshops based on their projects with the children and create work packs to leave with the children once they have left.


It is to make for a "real" performance opportunity for our students and to complete 30% of their examination. It has been a way of creating links with the local schools which has helped with marketing and liaison opportunities. 


The project came about with the arrival of the new specifications for the GCSE back in 2010.  The Head of Drama identified the opportunity and liaised with the schools. It has been running for five years.


£30 per group, maximum of 11 groups to date.


We have asked for feedback about the impact and value they felt it had for their students which has always been resoundingly positive.

Pupil Involvement

Between 7 and 9 years old.


Every year in the first half term of the Autumn term.