Sheringham High School - Academic Enrichment Lectures
Gresham's organises a series of Academic Enrichment Lectures which are held on a weekly basis aimed mainly at 6fh form but all can attend. Sheringham High School pupils are invited to attend these lectures.
The idea is that Academic Enrichment Lectures take pupils, from both Gresham's and Sheringham High School, outside their normal classroom learning and hopefully encourage them to maintain an interest in areas that aren't just limited to their chosen subjects.
This lecture series was set up after a review of the academic provision at Gresham's. It was noted that our pupils and those of Sheringham High School were not always exposed to academic ideas outside their basic curriculum. This project has been running for 9 years.
Venues within the school, financial resources to cover the cost of some speakers. Time taken by a number of teaching staff to organise the lecture series.
Over the time it has been running, the lectures have seen increased attendance by pupils of different ages. The effectiveness has not been measured directly, however surveys on opinions are used to reflect the speakers and to suggest topics for future talks.
Pupil Involvement
All ages.
Weekly during term time. These lectures are likely to continue for the foreseeable future.