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Reading Army

Richardson Dee's Primary Schools began a huge COVID recovery strategy for Oracy and Literacy and wanted some of our students to support this programme by listening to them read and talk to them about what they were reading.




To support the post COVID literacy recovery strategy, Richardson Dee's asked for our support. The children at Richardson Dee's should be the immediate beneficiaries but the hope is that the feeling of support would be more widespread.


Richardson Dee's approached us for support and it has been running since the second half of the Autumn Term 2021


We use our school minibuses to transport the girls to and from the sessions and the sessions are one hour per week


We anticipate being part of a bigger picture project Oracey and Literacy catch up programme that produces improvements in the benchmarks that the schools are held to. 

Pupil Involvement

We have 20 girls from our 6th form as part of the project and they work with pupils right across the Primary age range


The project will continue indefinitely.