Community Work
Students organise a school wide strategy to support the local foodbank. In the Advent Term students work hard to collect items from houses, to deliver to the local foodbank, and help to make Christmas hampers before the holiday period. In the Lent Term, students will continue to raise awareness amongst students, collect Easter eggs from houses to donate and help to grow fresh produce in the community garden. Given the current cost of living crisis, this is a community service that really is helping to make a difference.
Wednesday afternoons
Care Homes
Rugby School students volunteer and assist with crafts, games or events taking place at a range of care homes locally.
Frequency: Wednesday Afternoons
Canal & River Trust
Canal & River Trust students work locally to learn about conserving our canals and rivers whilst also focusing on developing the biodiversity around our waterways.
Wednesday Afternoons
NHS Volunteering
Rugby School students visit University Hospital Coventry and St Cross Hospital Rugby to offer assistance to patient welfare, supporting the work done by nurses and doctors. Students are assigned to one or more of the wards and assist in providing conversation for patients as well as making tea and coffee for those who would like it. A really rewarding experience.
Wednesday afternoons
Design for Community
Rugby School Students take design briefs from local primary schools, care homes and charities. Students then work with these partners to design and manufacture a product to suit their needs. The design team would have to manage the process from start to finish, from the initial research and pitch, to the manufacturing and installation of the product.
Past products have included bookshelves, ukulele storage and mud kitchens for primary schools.
Wednesday Afternoons
Bradby Club
VIth form pupils take part in helping the youth club to run successfully. Duties include tending the bar, helping the adult staff in their roles and interacting with the young people at the club.
The chief aim is to support this very well established and successful local club in providing young people with assistance and advice.
The project has been around for a long time and its precise date of inception is now lost.
A member of Rugby School's teaching staff oversees this project and communicates regularly with the supervisor of the centre.
Feedback from the staff who work at the centre is usually very encouraging and appreciative.
Pupil Involvement:
Rugby School pupils bring energy and vitality to the young people's experience at the club. They are encouraged to be fully involved in the running of the club, playing games and running the bar area.
Mixed gender of pupils and around 15 VIth form pupils are involved each week.
Each evening through the working week. On-going project throughout the academic year
To foster close relationships with agencies in town who may be short of staff.
The project has been in existence for at least 20 years and grows and adapts each year as shops open and close in town
Pupil Involvement:
16-18 years old
Weekly, each Wednesday between 2.15-4.15pm