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Challenge and Extend Creative Writing Programme

A Student-led project between a group of students from Bedford Girls’ School (BGS) and Bedford Academy who are collaborating on creative writing projects. Lower Sixth members of the group deliver each session to students from Years 7 and 8. They are exploring themes such as fan fiction, language change over time, opinion led fiction; flash fiction and effective presentation skills. At the end of the project, parents and colleagues will be invited to a presentation and feedback session.


To challenge and extend creative writing skills of pupils from both schools. To build collaboration and a wider range of thoughts and ideas. Sharing resources and teaching expertise. 


Established through conversations between colleagues at both schools.      


The sessions take place at BGS. BGS provides transport for the students from Bedford Academy. There is no cost to any of the students or the Academy. The programme is overseen by teachers from both schools.    


The project is currently on-going, so far the sessions have been enthusiastically received and all students have been engaged.   

Pupil Involvement

Selected group of Lower Sixth students from BGS and students from Bedford Academy run extension sessions for would-be writers in Years 7 and 8.


The project runs for approximately eight weeks.