Yateley Manor Choral Day (The Friday Afternoons Project)
Choral Day event - part of the Friday Afternoons Project(http://www.fridayafternoonsmusic.co.uk/) which started as a celebration of Benjamin Britten’s Centenary Celebration and now runs annually.
The aim of the project is for as many children and young people as possible throughout the country to sing on the composer’s birthday and a new set of songs for children’s voices has been written especially for this year. Yateley Manor signed up to host an event for local primary schools.
Our Director of Music identified the opportunity, researched the Friday Afternoons project and then worked with senior management to identify and invite local primary schools for the day.
The project utilised the resources of Yateley Manor's music school led by our Director of Music, supported by peripatetic music teachers, a number of other teaching staff, technicians and admin staff. The morning involved musical warm-ups, learning the various pieces being sung. Lunch was provided (at no cost to the visitors). The afternoon involved more practice followed by a recorded performance of the pieces which they had learned. One of the schools required coach transport to attend and local company, Hodge's Coaches Sandhurst Ltd supported the event by providing the transport free of charge
Pupil Involvement
Yateley Manor's own Chamber Choir and Junior Manor Singers (40 children aged between 7 and 13) led the day. Four primary schools (including Cranford Park) were each invited to bring 15 children aged 7 to 10 to take part.
One-off event