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West Kent ISSP Appoints a Coordinator

The West Kent Independent State School Partnership (ISSP) has appointed its first dedicated partnership coordinator.

Established in 2019, the partnership of eight local secondary schools works to share resources and provide high aspirational learning opportunities for pupils across the area. The coordinator will help manage and run partnership events which include an annual lecture and day of masterclasses, as well as the West Kent ISSP’s involvement in the Tunbridge Wells Soapbox Race.

Headmistress at Kent College said;

“I am delighted that the West Kent ISSP is now sufficiently established and resourced that we have been able to appoint a coordinator.  With Louisa’s energy, enthusiasm and commitment, there is no doubt that the partnership will continue to grow and flourish by providing a range of exciting opportunities for all the pupils in our schools to extend and develop their learning beyond the classroom.”

The new Co-ordinator commented;

“I am excited to be a part of the partnership and am looking forward to reinstating our annual programme of events and introducing new initiatives in due course.”

The West Kent ISSP is a partnership of The Judd School, Kent College, The Malling School, Mascalls Academy, Oakley School, The Skinners’ School, Skinners’ Kent Academy and Tunbridge Wells Girls’ Grammar School. 

The partnership operates with a Heads’ Group which meets each term to oversee the projects, and an Operational Steering Group comprising senior teaching staff who meet regularly to drive the initiatives forward. 

On the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci, an evening lecture ran at The Judd School, which was followed by a day of masterclasses at Mascalls Academy. Aimed at students in Years 7 and 8 the events were designed to be academically challenging, thought-provoking and offer stimulating opportunities. Students were able to select from classes including Anatomy and Art, Engineering and Ethics, Politics and Media, Engineering and Textiles and Beginners’ Italian. In 2020, a lecture ran on the theme ‘Adventures in Sound’ before the pandemic prevented further activity. The lecture and masterclasses will return in 2022 and continue with this topic.

Running alongside this is the West Kent ISSP’s involvement in the Tunbridge Wells Soapbox Race. Forming part of a new schools race the event is open to all local schools to build a go-kart from an agreed set of plans held centrally by Kent College. The project will be for Year 9 and above students.

For further information contact Louisa Priestley on

Twitter: @westkentissp

