Teach Meet
This is a termly virtual event, with teachers from a range of schools (independent and maintained) coming together to discuss thoughts, ideas and issues within the education profession.
The opportunity for teachers to come together and explore educational theories and research, share good practice and discuss their experiences. Allowing for increased sharing and open communication between schools to bring about enhanced teaching and learning.
With an Assistant Head dedicated to teaching innovation and research, the desire to provide a safe space for discussion and exploration with in our own school was high on her agenda.
With the sudden change to the education sector that COVID brought about, we saw the opportunity for our teach meets that had now gone viral to extend out to other schools. Providing the opportunity for communication and sharing to bring our community closer together.
Teach meets require little in the way of resources, with the only obstacle facing us being the varying lunch timings of the schools invited.
An assortment of relevant articles and research papers are provided by our Assistant Head to aid in discussion and exploration of the topics at hand.
This is a half termly event, held during a lunchtime session over Zoom for approximately 45 minutes