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Stowe and Silverstone UTC

Stowe and the UTC have joined forces to provide enhanced educational and co-curricular opportunities for pupils at both schools.


The partnership between the two schools enables pupils to have opportunities to study subjects not available at their own school. There will be more sports competitions and opportunities for staff and pupils alike to join in community and charity events. UTC pupils studying Business and Technical Events Management will be offered work experience with Stowe Enterprises Limited.


Stowe and Silverstone UTC are linked by history and geography – the UTC overlooks the famous F1 race track built on land once owned by Stowe’s former owners, the Dukes of Buckingham, and Stowe Corner, perhaps the fastest bend on the circuit, is less than 3 miles from Stowe School. The schools have already shared curriculum resources and teacher training opportunities, while pupils have benefited from inter-school sports competitions and joint participation in Duke of Edinburgh Award expeditions. The partnership between the two schools was formalised in September 2017.


Members of staff at each school have had INSET training at the other school and more interaction and sharing of resources is planned at departmental level. Staff and pupils from both schools participated in a Fun Run to raise money for Children in Need in November 2017. A senior member of staff from each school has been appointed to the Governing Board of the other school. Stowe’s Faculty Chair of Science teaches once a week at the UTC and departments such as English and DT have established working relationships. The Deputy Head of each school has been appointed Governor at the sister school to share leadership experience and expertise.


A group of Stowe pupils will take the Engineering BTEC course next summer and pupils from the UTC are benefiting from Stowe’s Science Faculty Chair teaching at their school. We are looking to establish sports fixtures between the two schools.

Pupil Involvement

Boys and girls aged 13-18 from both schools are benefiting from the schools’ partnership.


The partnership is ongoing and the first cohort of Stowe pupils has embarked on an Engineering BTEC course at the UTC, while Stowe’s Science Faculty Chair has also started teaching Science there once a week. Academic departments have been in touch with their counterparts at the sister school and we also have reciprocal arrangements on our Governing Body, with the Deputy Head s of each school represented on their respective councils.