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This is a programme of Saturday workshops which gives 40-50 children a chance to learn in a new way, with able children from St James School, Hatcham, Southborough Lane and Orchard Primary in the excellent facilities of Bromley High School.

Examples of the tehems that the workshops cover are: advanced mathematics, forest school, languages, forensic science, debating, sport for a healthy lifestyle and music. Each of the workshops involves a number of subject specialisms and are designed to help children to extend their learning beyond the national curriculum, as well as helping them to develop thinking skills and independent learning. 

There is also a Sports Day for SHINE schools in the summer term organised with help from Year 10 pupils.


This is a programme of Saturday workshops which gives children a chance to learn in a new way, with able children from a couple of other primary schools, and in the excellent facilities of Bromley High School. 

The programme seeks to address the requirements of local primary school heads in terms of extension activities for their most able students. Our measure of success is the pupils' own self reflection logs and the assessment of our participating school heads. We invite familes of participants into the school for breakfast and a school tour and encourage applications to the senior school for fully funded bursary places. Students grow in confidence and experience increased self esteem. 


The project was initially founded six years ago in partnership with the SHINE foundation but is now entirely funded by Bromley Hogh School and organised by Bromley High School in collaboration with partner schools.


This is based at Bromley High School and uses our facilities. Bromley High teaching staff are involved as or teaching and non teaching staff from the participating schools. Staffing, food, materials and transport costs are covered by Bromley High and there is no financial contribution from the participating schools.


The project is reviewed annually with Heads of participating schools after the end of the programme. All participants keep a log and review and reflect upon the impact of the project on their learning.

Two pupils who participated in the SHINE programme previously are currently Bromley High School pupils on 100% bursaries and we regularly offer bursaries to participants.

Pupil Involvement

Pupils who attend from partner schools are both boys and girls and they are from Year 5/6. Girls from Year 5 and 6 of Bromley High attend some sessions such as the Team Building morning which is led by an external events company. The SHINE participants form a joint choir with Bromley High Junior School pupil and perform together. Older Bromley High students partipate as helpers for example with the Duke of Edinburgh camping activities or with Science or DT activities.


This is a project that has been carried out annually over Saturday mornings in the summer term over six years. In addition, SHINE schools are prioritised for appropriate extension activities e.g. free places at a recent Jo McGregor piano recital and at an upcoming wildlife talk by a CBeebies  presenter.