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Repton Primary School

Repton Sixth Formers visit Repton Primary School within the Community Action programme to provide after-school activities and support classroom work.  This has included Art activities, an introduction to Spanish, supporting Reading Hour, creating Anti-Bullying Week posters and reflecting on Remembrance.

Repton staff offer acaedemic experiences for Repton Primary pupils.  The next one will be a science afternoon.

Repton supports with access to facilities.  These include PTA fundraisers - a duck race through the village and Barn Dance for parents in the Speech Day marquee -, and school activities too - the July Sports Day, on the cultural front a singing session with the Repton Director of Music, following the success of ‘Repton Resounds’ earlier in the year, and the Nativity Play by Years 1 and 2 in the 400 Hall. 

A member of Repton staff serves as a Governor.