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Partnership with Swindon Academy

The partnership involves students from primary and secondary through a variety of educational and life-enhancing activities. Primary students benefit from having Reading Buddies and students in the secondary phase enjoy residentials, inter-establishment sporting activities and subject mentoring. Sixth Form students also benefit from Interview Practice Days and University application mentoring. New initiatives are constantly being developed to enhance the joint learning opportunities for students at Swindon Academy and Marlborough College. Another feature has been to set up residential boarding weekend visits to Marlborough.


The partnership facilitates learning and openness amongst both sets of students. Whilst located relatively near to each other, students come from very different backgrounds and approach their learning in completely different ways. It is encouraging to see how well the students work together and how, despite their differences, they have found a way to interact together very successfully. Students exchange ideas and ambitions, thus developing their joint awareness of future career opportunities.


Since its inception in September 2007, Swindon Academy's partnership with Marlborough College has gone from strength to strength. The partnership was established as a means of bringing together students from different backgrounds to learn from each other, learn with each other and to expand their subjective experiences within a trusted environment. It was led by Mr N A Sampson, Master of Marlborough College at the time and Sir Anthony Greener of the United Learning Trust and Chairman of Swindon Academy Council.


Currently Marlborough College and Swindon Academy share a teacher. This is funded by the United Learning Trust. Marlborough College fund residential weekend boarding activities (x 6 each term).


A termly report is made to the Council of Swindon Academy and also to the Marlborough College Council. Precise measurement is hard to quantify beyond the obvious interaction of both schools being to mutual advantage.

Pupil Involvement

Both genders are involved and our exchange afternoons will see an average of 10-12 go to Swindon. Residential weekends involve up to 10 (usually at year 9 level) when Swindon Academy pupils visit Marlborough.


Ongoing / bi-weekly. It will continue for the foreseeable future. There are multiple opportunities, careers advice, one shared inset for staff, a whole school carol service at Marlborough.