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Eastbourne Schools Partnership Project

A programme of collaborative projects and shared opportunities for engagement across the Partnership. We evaluate our practice and use this reflection to seek opportunities for the continual enrichment of our young people.

Examples of previous projects:

St Wilfrid’s summer fundraising lunch (annually every May). 70 ESP pupils from ESP schools acted as waiters:

Outcome/measurement: They all received professional training and were awarded certificates, and by having ‘free’ waiters it means the hospice can raise lots more.

ESP has close link with St Wilfrid’s. Our first joint music busking event raised £1000 for the hospice.

Annual Tough Team Challenge (annually every June):

This team building day is designed to raise self-esteem and provide opportunities to develop teamwork and leadership for ‘hard to reach’ children from ESP schools. Eastbourne College staff and pupils help to run a series of outdoor activities alongside students from Sussex Downs College. In June 2017 almost 100 pupils took part.


 ‘I really enjoyed the day. The people were so friendly. I learned about team-work, and the best exercise was rolling the balls down the gutters. It was good to work with other people because when you’re older and you have a job you have to work with different people too.’ Connor, Eastbourne Academy

 ‘I think it was a really good way of meeting people and becoming more confident in yourself to talk with different people in a safe environment. The things we did pushed me to work with everyone’. Sidney, Willingdon Community School

Arensky Chamber Orchestra

The ESP achieved funding of £15000

Outcome/measurement: 100 ESP pupils involved in music making with leading international ensemble. They devised their own piece and performed this after two days of workshops. The pupils were of differing ability.

2nd Gala Concert:

Over 100 pupils from all ESP schools performed at the Winter Gardens.


This was the first time many had performed on a professional stage.

They also sang together in a combined ESP choir.

The profits from the evening went to Chestnut Tree House children’s hospice

Creative and Digital Industries Workshop:

10 business leaders ran workshops for 81 ESP pupils from 7 schools in years 8-10.

This was a new way of giving pupils the chance to work with professionals from different sectors during an afternoon workshop. The 10 professionals all volunteered their time. The session began with a number of short Q&A session with 4 or 5 of the professionals, and then the pupils spent two half hour slots doing a more practical challenge with two professionals of their choosing. These ranged from storyboarding a commercial ad, to devising a social media campaign, devising colour ways for a textile piece for the Birley auditorium, to developing and costing a pantomime at the largest Eastbourne theatre.

Professionals came from theatre, photography, writing, art gallery, textile art, film, digital media, music production, social media/marketing.


85% of students rated the event as good or very good with 38% giving it top marks.

STEAM project:

£12,500 funding raised for 6 ESP schools to develop marine based science/arts projects, where heads of science and arts work together in each school and across the partnership, receiving training from Photoworks and other professionals in arts and science fields.

Rambert dance:

Workshop and performance run by leading contemporary dance company.

Outcome/measurement: Pupils from 7 ESP schools worked together over two and a half days and put on combined dance performance. Teachers from schools also received CPD.

Homework club:

Sixth form pupils from Eastbourne College provide weekly 1-to-1 mentoring to a group of Willingdon Community School year 11 pupils. Pupils work together every Monday afternoon, paired up according to subjects.


“I am delighted to be part of this pilot project for the Eastbourne Schools Partnership. Peer to peer support has definite merit in helping students progress and reach their potential.  I am very grateful to the students of Eastbourne College who have committed to working with Willingdon students to not only support their learning journey but to raise their aspirations. This opportunity also allows misconceptions about state and private education to be overcome. Students realise that they are like minded individuals who often have a tremendous amount in common.” Willingdon Headteacher

 “It really helps me, the mentors can get learning across to me in a different way to my teachers and I am really enjoying it.” 

 “The mentoring programme at Eastbourne College has helped me, as it has allowed me to work with students closer to my age. They have been able to relate to me and empathise with me.” 

“My new mentor has helped me to understand things I struggle with in class, boosting my confidence.”

“I really like going to Eastbourne College, I find it really helpful getting help from other students and revision tips.”

Eastbourne College pupil: “Knowing that we are helping is richly rewarding and also gives us an opportunity to learn different techniques to certain subjects together and apply them to our own work.”

Song writing club:

ESP pupils work with professional song writer Tom Williams. They meet one evening every month and develop their own songs, working towards a joint CD and a performance later in the year.

Continual Professional Development:

Ambition is for ESP schools to be a centre of excellence for training and shared good practice. Pilot CPD programme being run linked to the New Three Rs of resilience, reflection and radical/creative thinking. This pilot scheme will then be fed out to all ESP schools with a celebration of good practice in the summer term

At the same time schools are sharing their ongoing inset opportunities.

Motivational speaker:

Kheron Kenardo will be taken round ESP schools to inspire ESP year 11 pupils before Easter revision (following a successful talk by him in summer 2017)

Tegon tennis:

ESP pupils to act as ambassadors to meet/greet people at international tennis tournament

Eastbourne Borough Council follow up meet,

ESP pupils to contribute ideas to town planning going forward, following initial meeting in 2017.

Surgery for ESP pupils with Stephen Lloyd, MP, 2018

Following similar surgery in 2017 with Caroline Ansell, MP


ESP’s mission statement is:

'by linking our resources, expertise, enthusiasm and commitment, we aim to develop projects and ideas that inspire, excite and offer creative opportunities for children and young people. In so doing we hope to enable our pupils to work together for mutual benefit and the benefit of others across our town.’



The ESP was founded in 2014, and currently comprises the following 11 schools and colleges who together account for 14,000 children living in Eastbourne and the surrounding area:

Causeway School, Cavendish School, Eastbourne Academy, Eastbourne College, Hailsham Community College, Moira House, Ratton School, Seaford Head School, St Catherine’s School, Sussex Downs College, Willingdon Community School.

'The Eastbourne Schools Partnership is a shining example of schools working together for the benefit of the pupils and the wider community - Former Chair of Ofsted.

Each participating school provides one or two ‘champions’ (member of staff who acts as the go between within their common room), who meet as an Operational Steering Group once or twice a term. The OSG chair and secretary meet with the Heads at the Executive Steering Group meeting twice a year. The chair of the ESG rotates between the Heads.


Each school pays £750 per annum towards costs of events.