Artswork Champions Programme Turner/ Towner collaboration
- Eastbourne College
- Schools across the Coastal Schools Partnership
- Towner
- Artswork
- Art And Design
T: +44 (0)1323 452300
Contact email Visit our websiteISC ID: 43785
Member of Coastal Schools Partnership (East Sussex)
Mr Tom N M Lawson MA (Oxon) (Head Master)
Boys - age range:
Day: 13 to 18
Boarding: 13 to 18
Girls - age range:
Day: 13 to 18
Boarding: 13 to 18
622 pupils
Artswork Champions Programme Turner/ Towner collaboration
Hosting Birds 2 B Heard Enviromental Symposium and Eastbourne Eden
Lord's Youth Engagement Project
Reconnect Group and the Jubilee Way
Eastbourne Schools Partnership - collaborative practice
Eastbourne Schools Partnership Your Town, Your Ideas, Your Future
Eastbourne Schools Partnership
Eastbourne Schools Partnership Project
Impact of partnership work done in 2023 (ISC annual Census 2024)
Impact Statement
The College has continued its leading involvement in the ESP during 2017/18. Having been one of the four founder members in 2013/14, during the course of this year the College has seen the ESP grow to 13 schools. The partnership now comprises one independent schools, eleven secondary schools for children aged 11+ and one sixth form college. In total, the schools between them account for over 15000 children from the Eastbourne and surrounding areas.
Described by the Chair of Ofsted as ‘a shining example of schools working together’, the ESP has remained true to its mission statement: ‘by linking our resources, expertise, enthusiasm and commitment, we aim to develop projects and ideas that inspire, excite and offer creative opportunities for children and young people. In so doing we hope to enable our pupils and those from across the town to work together for mutual benefit and the benefit of others across our town.’
In July 2018 the ESP won the national Business Education Partnership award.
Eastbourne College have also been shortlisted for the TES Independent Schools awards in the Partnership category for their work with the ESP.
Highlights from 2017/18 include:
Digital and creative industries workshop September 2017
100 pupils from across the Partnership worked with 10+ leaders in sectors including media, virtual reality, music production, theatre, advertising, PR, fabrics and gallery curation. 85% of students rated the event as good or very good with 38% giving it top marks. Students reported feeling significantly more informed about working in the creative industries.
Roy’s Homework Club September 2017- ongoing
Weekly one-to-one mentoring by Eastbourne College sixth form pupils for struggling GCSE pupils in three of our Partner schools. Sixth formers gained just as much as the pupils they mentored.
‘My new mentor has helped me to understand things I struggle with in class, boosting my confidence.’ Hannah, Year 11 pupil
‘Knowing that we are helping is richly rewarding and also gives us an opportunity to learn different techniques to certain subjects together and apply them to our own work.’ Adam, a mentor
‘I am very grateful to the sixth form pupils of Eastbourne College. All our Year 11 pupils achieved a strong pass in the GCSE subject in which they were mentored. These pupils wouldn’t have achieved the grades they did in their key areas without Eastbourne College`s input.’ Head and Deputy Head, Willingdon Community School
This is being rolled out to four ESP schools from September 2018.
Programme of dance workshops October 2017- ongoing
Opportunities for pupils to work together with Rambert, Royal Ballet and other companies involving residencies and leading to group performance.
STEAM project October 2017-June 2018
£12,500 funding for over 100 young people to produce creative responses to marine pollution working with Photoworks and other professionals, leading to a joint exhibition. On a scale of 1-5 students rated their overall experience as 4.53 on average, with 60% of students choosing the rating 5. The beach clean day was a highlight, being reported on BBC and ITV news.
Working in partnership with other schools made the event feel more meaningful and several people mentioned the feeling of ‘being part of something bigger’. As one student said: ‘I think we should do more projects like this!’
Oxbridge conference
ESP pupils attended Oxbridge conference hosted by EC, open for the first time to pupils in year 10.
CPD pilot programme Feb 2018
College hosted pilot programme of teacher training involving schools from the Partnership on how to encourage creative thinking in pupils.
Full shared inset/CPD programme rolled out to all schools in 2018
Motivational talks for all Year 11 March 2018
Kheron Kenardo spent two days speaking at all ESP schools in March pre-GCSE revision.
To be repeated in 2019
Private surgery with Stephen Lloyd March 2018
Opportunity to speak with local MP about issues local and national
100 pupils from across the Partnership worked with 15+ leaders from different aspects of Eastbourne life. Pupils are now devising their own innovative solutions for the town working alongside professionals leading to presentations in January 2019. Supported by Lord Lucas, the Chamber of Commerce, Eastbourne Borough Council and Stephen Lloyd MP. Project managed by Culture Shift.
Pupils’ ideas include Music festival, Beach gym Californian style, Ice rink and outdoor cinema, App for what’s on in Eastbourne arts, Cycle zones through town, Beach activities, Health and well being.
Pupils acted as waiters for St Wilfrid’s June 2018 – annual/ ongoing
EC pupils acted as waiters with other ESP pupils at annual fundraising lunch.
Tough Team Challenge June 2018 – annual/ongoing
Annual initiative of outdoor tasks to enhance the self-esteem of 60+ hard to reach children who find school life difficult. It also provides leadership opportunities for Eastbourne College pupils and East Sussex College students who run it together.
For 2018/19 further projects are planned to include:
ESP pupils involved in new walking festival 28 September 2018
MFL Assistants September 2018-March 2019
Eastbourne College sixth formers to act as Language assistants for local school
Challenging more able pupils across the Partnership October 2018 onwards
a) Tech Resort coding competition for Yr 9 pupils, supported by Sussex Downs pupils
b) Encouraging young people to consider medicine 3 October 2018
Interactive workshop run by Brighton and Sussex Medical School for Yrs 7-12 pupils
c) Workshops for yr 7-8 ESP ‘scholars’ November 2018 - February 2019
d) Sports development workshop 28 November 2018
Carousel sessions for yr 10 pupils in sport psychology, nutrition and conditioning
e) Encouraging young people to consider sport degrees Spring 2019
Interactive workshop run by Brighton University for Yrs 7-12 pupils.
f) Annual Oxbridge trip for Yr 9-Yr 10 pupils March 2019
ESP schools to select pupils to take part
Sharing good teaching and learning practice
a) Sharing CPD September 2018 onwards
Following a successful pilot scheme the 12 ESP schools will open certain inset sessions to all
b) Speakers coming in Ongoing
ESP schools invited to attend other schools’ talks by speakers
c) HoDs Hub meetings by subjects September 2018 onwards
Eng, maths, science 27 Sept; humanities, MFL, business, comp 4 Oct; arts and PE 11 Oct
d) NQTs 18 September 2018
ESP NQTs meeting for tea at Ratton School – ongoing programme
e) Human Resources Date tbc
ESP HR managers meeting to share good practice
f) Convention KS3 8 November 2018
Speakers included Sir Mark Grundy, Executive Principal Shireland Collegiate Academy and Professor Bill Lucas, Director of the Centre for Real-World Learning at the University of Winchester
Audience included 30+ Prep Schools and state schools to share ideas about Key Stage Three
g) Governor programme June 2018 onwards
Staff from each Partnership school invited to sit on Governing boards of other Partnership schools, if for example they have an expertise in marketing, finance, data collection and safeguarding.
A panel of advisors to be drawn up too to offer advice when required.
In 2021 the Partnership's name was changed to Coastal Schools Partnership (East Sussex) to reflect the fact that member schools stretch from Seaford across to Bexhill.
Eastbourne College believes exceptional talent should be supported and nurtured. The College believes that the major contribution we can make to scholars is the development of their specialism through tailored provision and support. We have strong programmes in place for scholars of all disciplines to develop their talents and help them to inspire those around them.
In line with most comparable independent schools, most awards are between five per cent and 20 per cent, although these values can be supplemented by a means-tested bursary.
For more information on Year 9 and sixth form scholarship application and assessment dates, visit the Eastbourne College website.