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Community Football Partnership

Kingham Hill School (KHS) is committed to a long term partnership with its most local primary school Kingham Primary, and it provides free football coaching and development to their pupils from Year 1 - 6. 


The aims of the project are threefold:

  • To provide an opportunity for boys and girls from Kingham Primary to play football, whilst promoting their personal development and skills.
  • Benefit KHS pupils in their personal development as they gain coaching and management experience through completion of a Sport Leadership course.
  • To strengthen local opportunities for children's and youth football participation in area leagues via the partnership with two local football clubs. 


The partnership was developed by Kingham Hill School's Headmaster. He firmly believes that as part of the School's charitable status it should use its resources and facilities to support the local community. This, coupled with his and the pupils' passion for football made the project a natural fit.


The programme takes place using Kingham Hill facilities, both outdoor and indoor.  The training is delivered by senior pupils who are training to be Sports Leaders and they are overseen by Kingham Hill staff.  Both facilities and staff time are given free of charge.

Two local football teams, including the Kingham All-Blacks use the school facilities for training - this is also provided at no cost to the clubs.


The project is only in its first year, but the impact has been extremely encouraging so far: feedback from the visiting pupils, parents and Kingham Primary has been extremely postive, with large numbers of pupils taking part.

The KHS pupils have completed the Sports Leadership programme successfully and this project has significantly contributed to this.

Pupil Involvement

The Kingham Primary children who take part are in Year 1- 6, senior pupils from Kingham Hill School are involved as coaches to the primary children.  Both girls and boys participate from both schools.


The project runs on a weekly basis, from September to April/May each year.  There is no plan for the project to end, as this is seen as a long-term partnership between the schools and the local football clubs.