Impact of partnership work done in 2023 (ISC annual Census 2024)
- 84 state schools involved
- 2001+ state school pupils involved
- 7575 staff hours given
Impact Statement
We act as an educational partner to the City Height E-Act Academy, providing support for its educational work and establishing links and activities that benefit us both. The campuses are just two kilometres apart which supports regular interactions between staff and students. Our staff provide maths extension and Further Maths GCSE with College pupils acting as assistants. We facilitate creative writing sessions and encourage our Year 10 and 11 pupils to act as Learning Mentors for younger City Heights pupils. We hosted an MFL Language Conference for state and independent schools on behalf of City Heights E-ACT Academy. Our careers departments share professional contacts, and we provide a consultancy service for City Heights staff, including a Year 11 students’ talk for post-16 options and arranging university talks.
Southwark Schools Learning Partnership (SSLP) is a collaboration between 16 local secondary schools. The partnership promotes projects for students and CPD (Career Professional Development) for staff. The Master and the Head Teacher of St Saviour’s & St Olave’s CE School are co-directors of the partnership, providing leadership in connecting schools, teachers and students. We also organise a variety of SSLP projects and employ a coordinator to help enhance impact.
"The lecture [by Dr Sarah Garfinkel on the 'Body and the Brain' at the Upper School Symposium] was extremely intriguing where we learnt that our 'gut instinct' is an intuitive thing. As a successful neuroscientists, we were honoured to have had this opportunity with her and thank Dulwich College for their amazing hospitality." Year 12 state school pupil
Southwark Community Education Charity (SCEC) is a registered charity which operates three schemes for state primary school pupils. We host the Science Scheme for Year 6 pupils, providing an enjoyable introduction to practical science and improving confidence before secondary school. 60 children attend two-hour sessions on Saturday mornings. They explore Biology, Chemistry and Physics through practical experiments. We provide a co-ordinator who administers all three schemes; a fully trained member of staff to oversee the programme every Saturday morning; facilities, equipment and refreshments. Twenty volunteer mentors from Years 12 and 13 support pupils in the classroom, carry out administrative tasks, supervision, and act as role models.
"I liked coming to Saturday School because we made friends and [learnt] about the three sciences to prepare me for secondary school. The best session I had was looking at a lamb's heart and making slime." Primary state school pupil