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Sutton High School GDST

55 Cheam Road

T: +44 (0)20 8642 0594

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ISC ID: 35230


Mrs Beth Dawson (Head)

Girls - age range:

Day: 3 to 18


923 pupils

Sutton High School GDST case studies (2)

Reading project


  • Sutton High School GDST
  • Robin Hood Junior School, Sutton
  • Academic
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Impact of partnership work done in 2023 (ISC annual Census 2024)

  • 6 state schools involved
  • 201-500 state school pupils involved
  • 120 staff hours given

Impact Statement

State school partnerships
We provide free of charge swimming lessons (free access to facilities plus the required swimming teachers and lifeguards) for 5 hours per week equating to an annual cost of approximately £25,000 at market rate. This allows 180 students from years 5 & 6 during the year from one junior school and 120 pupils from year 5 & 6 during the year from a second primary school to access swimming lessons. This enables them to achieve the national requirement of 25m by the end of year 6. In 2018, all pupils partaking made progress with their swimming and 80% achieved the required standard before leaving primary school.
We provide free of charge English as an additional language support for 1.5 hours per week equating to an annual cost of approximately £3,600 to one local junior school to support English Language development. The junior school has 30% of students with EAL and this specialist support allows targeted provision in small groups. Students are able to make more rapid progress and two students have successfully passed the selective school eligibility tests with this additional support.
We provide free of charge Spanish teaching and learning support to a local primary school. One teacher is seconded for 2 hours per week equating to an annual cost of approximately £5,000 to deliver lessons, train non-specialist staff and provide resources for delivery of lessons. This has improved the quality of the MFL provision in the school and improved confidence of staff in delivery.
We work closely with a local state secondary school, collaborating on a musical production with the school providing facilities and resources to support this. The music staff from both schools work closely together during the year on other formal concerts and there are weekly rehearsals of a mixed choir held at the school.
We provided support to another local state secondary school in the start-up of their A level computer science course. Our Head of department provided advice and resources to assist.
We ran a year 5 STEM fair in the summer for two local primary schools, involving 150 pupils. This involved a variety of workshop based activities plus a show by the Royal Institution. The feedback showed an increased engagement in science from the pupils who attended, plus recognition of the value of experiencing school science laboratory facilities. One of these activities was then taken to another primary school where a further 120 year 5 pupils had a chance to experience it.
Our year 12 pupils have supported the development of a new library at a local junior school, providing weekly cover for pupils to access the library, plus some reading support. The school also provided a significant number of books to stock the library. This space is now well used by all the junior students.

At Sutton High School, we offer Scholarships and bursaries at 11+ and at Sixth Form entry. Please do get in touch if you have any questions.


Academic and Performance Scholarships are awarded on merit, irrespective of financial means.

Academic Scholarships are awarded based on performance in the 11+ entrance examination or in the Sixth Form scholarship examination and may cover up to 50% of fees for outstanding candidates.

Performance Scholarships – for Art, Music and Sport – are assessed separately at 11+ and 16+ and are typically set at the 10% level. Awards of up to 30% of fees may be awarded for outstanding candidates. At Sixth Form, the opportunity for a Drama Scholarship is also available.

Girls with Academic and Performance Scholarships benefit from being selected for and taking part in activities appropriate for their stage, abilities and interests, as well as contributing in a proactive way throughout their time in school. Art and Music Scholars are normally expected to study their subjects at GCSE. A Scholarship is a responsibility as well as an achievement and is subject to continued performance and commitment.

Assessment for Performance Scholarships is carried out in school. Candidates are invited to interview and are asked to perform practical tasks on the day. These assessments are carried out by subject specialists and are designed for candidates to demonstrate their ability, interest and potential.


Bursaries are means-tested and worth up to 100% of fees. A number of bursaries are available at 11+ and 16+ entry. Their award is based on academic merit and the income and financial resources of the candidate’s family. Bursary applications are assessed by the GDST, but the final award of bursaries and scholarships is at the discretion of the Headmistress. Each bursary award is reviewed annually by the GDST, as income and financial resources may change.

  • Academic scholarships
  • All Rounder awards
  • Art scholarships
  • Drama scholarships
  • Music scholarships
  • Sport scholarships
  • Sixth Form scholarships
  • Bursaries for new entrants
  • Hardship awards for existing pupils