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Science Showcase

After consultation with Primary school science coordinators and head teachers in 2018, an agreed focus on Physics was decided upon. Science experiments were taken out to 9 local primary schools around Norwich, delivered by one of our Physics Specialist teachers. This year, a sign up system was established and every bi-weekly slot has been taken, with new schools coming on board. Schools have been given the option of visiting us and this has been the preferred option in all bar one case. The young pupils gain experience of science lessons in a fully equipped laboratory, something that is new to them. The school is able to fund the cost of transport where needed, after successfully bidding for HSBC funding for partnerships. 


To give pupils the experience of specialist led teaching in Science, with a particular focus on Physics, and to engender a love of Science, Primary teachers to benefit from sitting in on these lessons and gaining experience of how similar experiments can be conducted within their school. 

Recent lessons have included eyeball and heart dissection for 11 pupils chosen by Avenues Primary school. 


This initiative was a way of developing the annual Yr 5 Science day- taking it a step further and giving more continuity. Feedback from Primary science coordinators attending this day asked if more could be offered; Norwich High also wished to facilitate this and was able to use HSBC funding to cover the cost of transporting the pupils in to our school and of the materials. 

This initiative has grown and is presently in its third year. 


Science labs and equipment are critical to the success. 

In some cases, where transport has been requested, the school minibuses are critical to enabling it to work.  

Physics and Biology teaching staff and a technician who assist with preparation. 

The cost is borne largely from the school's science budget, with some HSBC funding for transport. 


After each session, the pupils complete a A6 card to give feedback. these are collected in, collated and then sent back tot he school as a memento of their lesson. Additionally, the Primary teacher completes a formal feedback sheet. 

All feedback so far has been positive:

Staff feedback:

"Yes, the children had the experience of a specialist teacher. One of the Year 5 forces objectives was taught. They got to use different equipment to that which we have in school. It was also nice for them to just simply have a different face teaching them Science!" Colman Junior school 

"They learned a great deal and thoroughly enjoyed themselves- this (heart and eyeball dissection) is not something they would have had the chance to do at school".

"The lesson was very practical and the children enjoyed the ‘hands on’ approach. The problem solving aspects gave them an interesting challenge. The children were not spoon-fed, but learnt through experimentation." Avenues Primary school

Pupil feedback:

"What I enjoyed most was… Cringleford"

"Basically everything, I really enjoyed coming up to the front and balancing the poles."

"Everything! I enjoyed measuring. Fantastic! I had so much fun"

"When we used the Newton meters and when they tried to balance the sticks. I enjoyed the experiments"

"I enjoyed the experiments and using the technology (cool!)"

"Peeling the inside of an eye"

"I enjoyed everything, but especially making the pig oink. Seeing the lungs inflate and making the pig go oink"

Pupil Involvement

At present, this does not involve our pupils, but through the school's Activity Programme, it is due to include some Yr 12 girls who show an interest in becoming teachers or pursuing STEM subjects. 


This is an ongoing event which runs bi-weekly throughout the year on Wednesday afternoons. We have one science teacher timetabled to deliver these lessons and I see this pattern continuing for many years, should finances permit. HSBC funding has allowed us to offer free transport to and from our school if that helps; St Williams Primary school has taken up this offer. 

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