Geology Christmas Lecture
Annual Christmas Lecture with the guest speaker this year being Prof Chris Macleod of Cardiff University 2009 to present. Mid ocean ridges will be the focus of the lecture in support of A level students.
To share connections and expertise with students in the wider community
Long standing collaboration with lectures having taken place over 20 years. Many other schools and colleges have benefitted in the past.
The College Academic Hall and IT facilities are used and many staff are on hand for this evening lecture. Refreshments laid on by St Bede's.
Benefits evident include take up of university places in Geology as a result of the variety of inspiring speakers over the years. The talk is also attended by undergraduate Geologists and other scientists who are happy to speak to the A level students informally.
Pupil Involvement
AS and A level students from both St Bede's and Aquinas are involved, but parents, Bedian alumni, siblings and friends are also most welcome and do attend.