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Christmas Nativity at Ashford Cattle Market

This is a brilliant working together (for charity) involving our children, our musical input and singing combined with Brockhill's pupils (aged 13 - 17) who work with Brockhill's farm animals to bring alive a version of the Christmas Nativity.  The animals come from Brockhill's school farm and the actors playing the parts of the Nativity story come from the school. Our music department and children lead the singing and families join in.  

We have a parent who supplies a real live 'baby' Jesus!


To bring together different groups and ages of children.

To celebrate the Nativity in an unusual setting.

Factors for measuring success include the happy cooperation between the schools and the children taking part, the pleasure evidently given to our audience and the increasingly strong links with our community.


At the instigation of a school grandparent.  Both schools recognised the value and the potential success.  


Spring Grove supplies the musicians, instruments and musical expertise.  Brockhill provides the animals and the young actors.  Volunteer parents assist.


Our children sing extensively at Christmas and will provide pleasure to many, whether singing on the streets, in a local old peoples'  home or in Canterbury.

Pupil Involvement

Our participating pupils range in age from 4 to 11; Brockhill pupils are of secondary age.


It is an annual one-off event.
