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Maths Challenge

Maths Challenge is a Latymer Upper School programme aiming to keep the fun in Maths! Primary school students from local schools attend six weekly sessions run by our teachers and Y10 students, learning Maths problem-solving skills through games and puzzles. The programme ends with a fast-paced puzzle-solving team competition, with a Maths Challenge Cup.


Maths Challenge primarily aims to keep the fun in Maths, and foster a love of the subject which will keep students engaged, and unafraid of numbers, at school and beyond. 

Within and alongside that, the programme aims to increase students' skills and familiarity with mathematical problem-solving; confidence in the subject, and greater interest in pursuing it at school; and to have fun, and make new friends.


Sessions run after school on five afternoons in the Summer Term, on-site at Latymer Upper School. Maths teachers coordinate the programme with help from other teachers, and Year 10 students who volunteer to help coach and support the students. 

Maths Challenge is kindly funded by a donor, which allows us to compensate teacher time and provide team prizes.


Students are assessed at the end of the programme in an anonymous feedback survey. In Summer 2022, 89% of students completed this survey and reported:

- 92% had learned new skills and knowledge

81% now felt more confident in Maths and problem-solving

92said they'd had fun


"The challenges are pretty tricky, which I like a lot"

"Working with other people and learning teamwork"

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