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Chinese language & culture partnership

The Swire Chinese Language Centre was established in 2016 with the generous support of the Swire Chinese Language Foundation. It is one of 12 Swire centres across the UK.

The Centre is a collaborative venture between 3 founding schools in the South of the Edinburgh – George Watson’s College, James Gillespie’s High School and Boroughmuir High School – and provision now also encompasses around 20 other primary and secondary schools in Edinburgh and East Lothian. Around 2,400 pupils are to be involved during 2019-20.

The emphasis is on high quality teaching (all teachers are GTCS registered) and progression in the study of language for pupils from primary to secondary education, including access to qualifications at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher.

The curriculum is enhanced by inspirational enrichment opportunities for pupils in the form of, for example, trips and exchanges to mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and events to advance their learning and to celebrate Chinese culture.


The Centre was created to enable pupils of all backgrounds to access high quality opportunities to study Mandarin Chinese and enrich wider understanding of Chinese language and culture.

The Centre aims:

i) To increase access to high quality opportunities for pupils of all backgrounds to study Mandarin Chinese, with opportunities for progression and certification at every level.

★ High quality:

• Teachers are qualified and GTCS registered and there is huge experience in terms of qualification delivery and assessment (SQA Assessment Team, National 5 Principal Assessor, National 5/Higher Item Writer, Markers, IB Examiner).

• Greatly valued diversity in the team, including Chinese native speakers and those who do not have family Mandarin speakers and for whom Chinese is a second language begun at school.

• Teachers are employed by George Watson’s College and are part of the school’s support systems and professional development programme, as well as having access to professional learning at other schools involved they teach in.

★ Pupils of all backgrounds:

• Social inclusion is a core ambition. We are keen to include pupils of all backgrounds and of all levels of ability and to dispel any myths that Mandarin is for the privileged few or the most able.

★ Opportunities for progression and certification at every level

• The aim is that all pupils in schools involved should have the opportunity to study Chinese either as a curriculum enrichment opportunity or as a core, ultimately certificated, part of their curriculum.

• As well as National 4/5 qualifications, the Centre also offers teaching towards Higher and Advanced Higher qualifications and the International Baccalaureate Diploma.

ii) To provide a range of enrichment activities which raise the profile of Chinese language and culture and encourage positive interactions between pupils of different schools.

• Enrichment activities are designed to inspire pupils, e.g. introductory sessions for pupils with no previous experience of Chinese language and culture and events designed for pupils involved in regular provision to enhance their language learning.

• There are opportunities throughout the year for pupils to showcase their learning – to peers and parents, in competitions – and to celebrate key events in the Chinese calendar, such as being part of the Chinese New Year Banquet.

• Pupils have access to visits and exchanges to mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. All schools involved can have support in establishing a link school in China to enable pupils to be part of exchanges or to use technology to meet with their peers in China remotely.


The three 'founding schools' had met to discuss collaboration in south Edinburgh and Mandarin was identified as a something that the schools would work together on. This coincided with contact from the Swire Chinese Language Foundation with their new philanthropic initiative to increase Chinese language and cultural awareness.

Key to the success of the collaboration has been the ongoing engagement of senior leaders at partner schools.


A team of teachers teach across the partner schools, supported by the Head of Centre and the Centre Coordinator. Teachers are peripatetic and can teach in up to 3 schools in any one day (though movement between schools during a given day is kept to a minimum where possible).

The Swire Chinese Language Foundation provides funding for teachers' salaries (other than the two teachers who teach at George Watson's College) and the support roles. 

Funding is available for up to 10 years (until 2026), during which time centres need to secure sustainability beyond external funding. 

To date, 3 partner high schools have embedded Mandarin to the point where they have employed their own teachers of Mandarin, establishing sustainability for the language beyond external funding. 


An Advisory Board is in place to act as governance for the Centre. This meets termly to review provision, impact and finances. Quantitative and qualitative data is gathered and discussed on:

- Pupil participation

- Progress and attainment

- Retention

- Pupil perceptions

- Models for embedding in partner schools

- Sustainability.

Pupil Involvement

Pupils are involved from P5 up to S6 from the schools involved. The emphasis is on embedding Mandarin within schools alongside other modern languages.



This is an ongoing activity and is intended to continue beyond the removal of external funding.